Monday, March 26, 2012

March Madness w/ a Splash of Ignorance

 I've said it before and ill say it again, I'm a huge basketball fan so indeed Im watching college basketball and super excited about the final four left. Go Kansas!!!! 

Anyway, I'm not here to talk about my love for the game or which team I'm going for but instead about something that happen during a game. 

While Kansas State was playing the University of Southern Mississippi the band decided to chant ‘where’s your green card?’   After Angel Rodriguez was fouled and was shooting from the line. 

I was shocked to be hearing the actual band from the University chanting this. But I was really confused too, because the player comes from Puerto Rico where he doesn't need a damn green card. Couldn't believe people could be this ignorant. As a Latina, I was mad but felt sad for the band and that school because I'm not sure what type of education they are getting that they don't know much about Puerto Rico. Or the fact that it is an unincorporated territory of the United States and a commonwealth of the U.S.

Heres the video of Angel Rodriguez getting fouled and the chant starting right away

<div><iframe frameborder="0" width="576" height="324" src=""></iframe></div>
(doesn't work)

To make matters worse the Southern Miss president Martha Saunders quickly apologized for the incident but  misspelled angels last name wrong showing that they just did it to look good instead of taking their time to get all the information right to make it seem sincere and show that they do not tolerate that type of behavior and were really sorry.  

"We deeply regret the remarks made by a few students at today's game," she wrote in a statement issued two hours after the game. "The words of these individuals do not represent the sentiments of our pep band, athletic department or university. We apologize to Mr. Rodriquez (sic) and will take quick and appropriate disciplinary action against the students involved in this isolated incident."

Which then was fixed quickly after the backlashes started

But overall, that didn't stop Kansas State from winning which made me feel better about that whole situation and can't wait to see them play in the final four in New Orleans.  

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