Friday, March 16, 2012

First Day Volunteering at The Mission Cultural Center for Latinos

I'm starting my new internship at the Mission Cultural Center today and im so excited.

"The Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts (MCCLA) was established in 1977 by artists and community activists with a shared vision to promote, preserve and develop the Latino cultural arts that reflect the living tradition and experiences of the Chicano, Central and South American, and Caribbean people. MCCLA makes the arts accessible as an essential element to the community's development and well-being."

I've always attended events here before but never got to see the process of how things are set up so it should be complicated but fun.I will be working with the art director and mainly in the gallery. I will be getting introduce to new Latino art and what art looks like in today's main stream.

When I went for the interview the director Murizio asked me what I thought art was? I said everything. He was intrigued.  Walking down from where I live to the mission cultural center is only about 5 blocks. And in those block I explained there was art everywhere. From graffiti to murals to simple signs at local restaurants grabbing your attention with daily deals.

He asked me why out of the list of places I chose the Mission Cultural center?  I chose the Mission Cultural Center because I've grown up going to events there, meeting local people who are interested in the same stuff I am, and I always have a good time. 

So on my first day I started Tuesday at 2:30 right after class so I made my way over from SF STATE. I was super excited to start working with the gallery. When I got there the gallery people weren't there they were out. So I had to go to their main office and check in. Come to find out, I wasn't needed at the gallery at all because they were under operation take down, meaning they had to start taking down their prior gallery exhibition. Since the paintings cost a lot of money they didn't want volunteers helping who had no idea on how the process went. Which got me a little bummed because I actually do know a little about the process since I worked at the downtown campus and had to help the art crew out with the paintings displayed inside the campus. I learned quite a bit and felt i could help out but decided to not say anything instead and go about my business. 

They had me calling people about events that are going to happen in the near future which was really boring to do on your first day. But at least the people I talked to on the phone were nice and weren't hanging up on me like I would if it was telemarketer. 

Then they had me head upstairs to the Mission Grafica which is "the Mission Cultural Center’s (MCC) Graphics department, Our name is a melding of meanings: Mission in English, is an undertaking and a political commitment to social change, and Gráfica in Castilian, establishes a Latino identity, and defends our roots and values."  As stated on their website.

Where I met Mission Gráfica Coordinator Marsha Shaw who is a nice lady and explained how things worked up there. It interested me so much that I can't wait to sign up for one of her classes so I can learn more about printmaking and make my own design. 

1 comment:

  1. I loved your response to what art is. I also think art is everything, especially in the mission. I just recently discovered the mission and how it is so amazing. There is so much color and culture everywhere you look one can never get bored of it. Even the graffiti is awesome, some people think of graffiti as vandalism, however, I think that it adds to the environment and culture of an area.

    Good luck with your internship! I know the feeling of having to call people and be stuck on the phone all day, it sucks, but you will get to do something else soon!
