Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Famous Latina Artist

After doing some volunteer hours at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts I decided to talk to you guys about one particular artist, Gina M. Contreras. She's a local artist who lives in San Francisco and received her BFA in printmaking from the San Francisco Art Institute. They have many women artist displaying their art at the MCCLA, but seeing the love she has for elderly grab my attention.

I'm not sure if it has to do with me growing up respecting my elders that there is this bond to her art. Or the fact that I like seeing elderly people in love and always trying to figure out their stories when they were young.

Her art deals with documenting the unspoken and ambiguous nature of love and lust in the elderly. She brings to light the endearing and passionate behavior that the elderly recover and develop as time goes by.
Gina states, "I'm in love with the idea of finding that special person at an age and time where any form of friendship, kindness and subtle sexuality becomes necessary."

 -SOLO MUJERES 2012 Exhibition, March 17-May 5
Opening Reception: March 21, 6:30-9:30pm

You guys should check it out, it’s pretty amazing!!!

This is some of her work

After seeing one of her pieces I started to think about how art is changing, especially for the Latino community. Many believe that Latino art should be focused on bright colors and Aztec dancers. But in today’s world many artist like Gina M. Contreras, are doing Modern Art. Many might think that her pieces (shown above) are just photos and there is no art to them. But in fact that is a form of art. Each piece tells a story you just have to look deep into them.

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