Thursday, May 3, 2012

Arizona SB 1070

Arizona SB 1070...also know as racial profiling law.  Arizona SB 1070, is a U.S. federal law that requires aliens 14 years old or older who are in the country for longer than 30 days to register with the U.S. government.  They must have registration documents in their possession at all times too. 

Some are for it ...

Others are highly against it....

This law has caused a lot of controversy and has received national and international attention. I am definitely against it. What do you guys think? Should this really be a law in Arizona?


  1. I think Arizona's law is totally discriminating. Obviously, they are going to try to search people who look like Latinos. People dont take into account that there are also illegal immigrants from other parts of the world.

    1. I agree with you CS. Of course this is targeting a certain minority group! I'm appalled that things like this still goes on, even during our generation.

      And about the other illegal immigrant not just being Latinos/Hispanic is true. The first assumption that people have when they hear "immigrant" is that they are only Latino/Hispanic or Asian. In reality, people from all ethic backgrounds could be illegal immigrants.
