Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pan Con Pavo Recipe

    One of my all time favorite dishes is having pan con Pavo. We usually make it for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. My mom makes the best sauce for it. She learned the recipe from her grandmother in El Salvador. I can honestly say it's the best one I will ever have in my life. This recipe is really awesome, not because it's just that good, but because it's passed down from generations. A home dish that even though you might be able to get it at other places it does not taste the same. This one is going into my recipe book, that I will be sharing with my love ones and children someday to keep our culture and traditions alive. 

Ingredients needed: 
20-30 french bread rolls                                            1 lettuce bunch
1 medium sized turkey                                               15 tomatoes 
1 bag of  relajo (or especies para Pavo)                   1 butter bar
1 cube of Pollo maggie                                               2 large onion
1 green pepper                                                            1 garlic
salt & pepper                                                         

Pan Con Pavo Recipe:

First you should prepare the turkey. Make sure it is clean and take all the nasty stuff out of it. Thats the one part I won't be looking forward to doing, but it has to be done. Then you add some condiments to the turkey, a cube of pollo de Maggie ( found in any near fruteria store)  and some butter. Lastly you stick a big onion where the stuffing goes with the pieces of garlic to give it some flavor and you put it in the oven for it to cook. Now we can get to the good part, the sauce my family makes that it's to die for.


Sauce Recipe:

You take the bag of relajo or especies para Pavo and you toast them in the pan without any oil or butter. Then you boil 10 tomatoes and you peel them. Once that is done you take the blender and add the especies and the tomatoes into it. As well as an onion and a green pepper, then you blend it all together to get the lumps out and turn it into a smooth sauce. Once it's smooth you put it in a pot and boil it until it's hot and ready to be served.

Pan Con Pavo Dish Preparation:
toast the bread
spread some mayonnaise to the bread
add a slice or two of turkey
add a piece of lettuce
two sliced tomatoes pieces
apply the Pan Con Pavo sauce on top
Lastly, add some potato salad on the side and you have the best dish in town.
Well, at least I think it's the best dish in town.

Now you're an expert on a Salvadorian dish! Enjoy! And don't be ashamed to admit that after eating one you went and got seconds.

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